Monday, April 5, 2021

The Power of God

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death.

~ Psalm 33:18-19

Robert Morrison was a remarkable man. At a time when China was utterly hostile to foreign influence, and the only missionaries were Jesuits in Macau who were antagonistic to Protestants, he studied Cantonese in England, became a doctor, translated the New Testament into Cantonese, and set off for China to start a mission! The East India Co. refused to transport him, so he went to China via New York.

When he disembarked in Macau after a seven month journey, the captain commented sarcastically, “So you think you are going to make an impression upon China.” Morrison replied, without rancor: “No, sir, but I believe God will.”

Psalm 33 tells us that the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, and the eye of the Lord was certainly on Robert Morrison. We know how powerful God is: He created the universe, and yet, He will have His eye upon us, mere tiny specks in the vastness of His creation, if we hope in Him with reverence and love.

God will do great things through us if we let Him. He sent Christ to give us an instruction manual and his apostles to fill in the details. We are not responsible for the outcome; we are responsible to prepare ourselves for holiness and then let God do His work for us.

It always seems that the world is headed for hell (and much of it is). Today as much as ever, with atheists and secular humanists filling the airwaves with pornography, celebrity-worship, and self-actualization, we might be tempted to despair at our powerlessness to affect it.

We may actually be powerless, but God is not! Let us make ourselves his vessels and claim our reward of heaven; then trusting in God, we can simply do His will and let Him be responsible for the end result.

By the end of his life, Morrison had translated the entire Bible into Cantonese, as well as writing dozens of books, including dictionaries and grammars of Eastern languages; started schools and a university; and planted seedling Christian missions all over east Asia, especially in China, Malaya and Indonesia. His was the first Protestant mission to China to survive.

Lord God, make me your holy instrument, and grant me the peace to leave the outcome of the battle in Your mighty hands. Amen.

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