Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Christmas Reality Checklist

Christmas Reality Checklist

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

~ Luke 2:7

These are typical words we hear during the Christmas season: merry, peace, happy, joyful, jolly, cheer, and good will. But for many, Christmas is just the opposite of these terms. It can be a time when many sink into deep depression. The days are shorter and so are the pocketbooks. The only thing brimming over is a barrage of commitments: concerts, parties, school plays, church programs, shopping, wrapping, baking, etc.

I have been a church musician most of my life. I have enjoyed doing this, but at Christmas a musician is spread very thin; everyone wants music, old carols, and concerts. Not only was I a church musician, but I also had several part-time jobs, five children, a husband, and a dog. It’s no wonder I ended up in the hospital in January. I was never so worn out in my life. It was not a merry, joyful, jolly, peaceful time of cheer. The only relief I had was an I.V. in my arm and a not-so-comfortable bed.

I think maybe the time has come to make a new Christmas reality checklist. Maybe we need to put a limit on our commitments. Could the decorations be less? Could we limit our card sending? Could we buy less? Could we commit to only the very important things? Could we still have Christmas without Christmas having us?

Jesus’ birth was a simple event, just a couple, Mary and Joseph; a long trip to Bethlehem; and no room at the inn. My goodness, The royal King Immanuel was born in a stinking cow stall, and wrapped in rags. Luke 2:12 says, This shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Maybe our sign is that we need to follow in His humble footsteps and focus on things much more important. He tells us not to be anxious for anything, so maybe we could scale down all the things that give us anxiety and cast all our cares on Him. That’s what He wants anyway. We give Christ our hearts, and He will fill us with peace, love and joy.

We can still do the Christmas things that give us pleasure. It’s always good to show love to others, but when all the activities become a burden, we let God draw the line on our Christmas reality checklist. Then, when our friend sends out 100 handmade Christmas cards while we send out zero, we do not feel bad because we did not cross God’s line. This is the way, at the very least, to a more peaceful, manageable Christmas.

Thank you God for the simple birth of a royal King, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

~ Jenny Calvert

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