Tuesday, December 21, 2021

If Only...

I know the experience of being in need and of having more than enough; I have learned the secret to being content in any and every circumstance, whether full or hungry or whether having plenty or being poor.

~ Philippians 4:12

The Fir Tree is a Christmas story written by Hans Christian Andersen. This sad tale has a melancholy flavor of the life of a gloomy little fir tree. The moral of the story is to remind us to be content right here and right now, instead of losing precious time on wishful thinking.

The story tells of a little fir tree growing in the forest. He hears stories of adventures beyond his little space in the woods. He says within himself, “Oh If only . . . . ” He wants to be bigger. He wants to be taller. He wants to see sights. He wants anything but here and now. He is advised many times in the story to be content in his present state and circumstances; however, he does not heed this advice and wastes his time wishing for something else.

I admit that I am guilty of this. I can’t say how many times in my life I have said, “Oh if only the weekend was here,” or “If only I could go on vacation.” When I was a child I would say, “If only I was bigger,” or “If only the bell would ring and school would be dismissed.” I am even guilty of saying, “I wish Christmas was over so life can get back to normal.”

I wonder how much time I have wasted on my “If Onlys”? Some of my loved ones have now passed away no longer to be here to celebrate Christmas with me, but I was too busy wishing for that Christmas to end. Some of those younger days could have been relished with carefree abandonment. The weeks that passed by can never be returned. We have only one now and it’s at this very moment.

Are you like me, wishing Christmas was finished and out of the way? Are you always hoping for something better than your here and now? I think it is time we grow content in all our present circumstances because we never know what tomorrow may hold. The little fir tree got some of his “If Onlys” to find out that they were not what he expected.

So what is the secret learned in this scripture to being content in all circumstances? I think the secret is this: If we are too busy being grateful to God for the here and now, that leaves no time to waste on wishful thinking. Give your “If Onlys” to Christ and learn to be content with the now.

Thank you Lord for this very moment. Through Christ I pray, Amen.

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