Sunday, January 2, 2022

"Lets just praise The Lord"

 Ps. 18:2

"Lets just praise The Lord"


David was hated, out of the jealousy from others, including Saul that was so full of hate for David, that He wanted him dead. Saul was truly angry at God for choosing David over him, now this is not mere speculation if you read the narrative about these relationships between God, Saul, and David it becomes obvious that this anger and hate towards David was had because Saul foolishly felt by getting rid of David, that it would throw a wrench in the gears of God's Plan. Of course, in hindsight and on faith alone, we know this could never happen, when God purposed an action, it is always fulfilled, in His time. Saul lost the Spirit of God and the Spirit moved into David instead. David, after seeing all that God has done, gave praise and glory to God. Let us read verse 2 of Psalm 18, then investigate the heart of David within this verse as we praise The Lord.

I. God is our stability.

"The Lord is my Rock." You simply can not stand on quicksand. To stand firmly, one needs a firm foundation, stable ground. On Christ, in Christ, through Christ we stand, for He alone is our solid Rock. This world is wishy-washy, unpredictable, unstable, it engulfs us in an abyss of sin and Eternal destruction. When we place our trust in anyone or anything other than Christ, we fool ourselves, and we sink and suffocate Spiritually in the quicksand of this sin-laden world. Jesus looked at Peter, when He declared, "on this Rock, I build My Church", He was not talking only to Peter, He was/is talking to us today. We are to build on The Rock, for this Rock is Jesus.

II. God is our safety.
Let me ask you something, bluntly. Whether in hindsight or foresight, do you, or have you felt Spiritually [Eternally] safe without Christ in your life? Now, let me ask you the same question, but with Christ as your Lord and Savior in your life? The Lord is our Place of Safety, our City of Refuge in which we may turn to when we are facing all kinds of adversities. We can come to Him when we are in times of trouble. We are never limited to just coming to Him only in the bad and desperate times, we may come unto Him in the good, in the bad, and even in those times in between. No matter what season of life we may be in, we may come unto Him to lean, and cling unto Him, for in Him we find safety, for He is our Fortress.

III. God is our Savior.
"I and The Father are one." ~Jesus
Christ Jesus is Father God, in the flesh and Christ Jesus saves! When Lot was in wicked Sodom & Gomorrah, God delivered him. When Israel was in exile and bondage in Egypt, God delivered them. When, Peter, Paul, and John were persecuted and prosecuted for preaching, teaching, healing, and converting in Christ Jesus' Name, God delivered them. The Lord is our Deliverer, even today. He saves, rescues, and delivers us from all adversities, and by way of His Finished Work done on Calvary, He delivered us from the reality of Hell, if we have repented, confessed, and have accepted Him as Lord and Savior.

IV. He is God.
God is Sovereign. What does this mean? It means to have absolute power and authority. This term is limited [any word or phrase to truly describe Who/what God is, is limited.] Yet, God is Sovereign. He is the absolute, and ultimate Power and Authority over all things and circumstances, no matter how big or small it may be. He is more powerful than any broken heart, any pain, sickness, suffering, hardship, sin and death. He is the Final Authority and only Authority for He alone sits and is worthy to sit and remain on His Throne. God is God, for He is Sovereign.

V. Our need.
God is our Strength. "I am weak, yet Thou art strong" the moments that we become weakened by the blows to our Spiritual body, by faith, we know, and have the confidence knowing that fulfills our every need so that we may acknowledge and accept that when we come to Him, He reminds us that He gave us that Strength that we badly needed when He died on Cavalry and rose the 3rd day. That moment of Salvation by His grace through our faith in Him is the moment our need was fulfilled that He is our Strength.

VI. God is our Shield.
He is our Buckler. Just as a belt has a buckle to hinge 2 sides together to secure and guard and gird us as we are clothed, He does as well, we are "buckled" unto Him, with assurance in security and in His awesome loving protection, by way of His Grace. Now, we all know that every rose has its thorn. Now these thorns can and does hurt, but we must understand that God has given us these thorns not to hurt us, but to protect us, by allowing the pain and pricks to draw us near to Him, for In Him, and because of His Finished Work on Calvary, we are more than conquerors over Death, Sin, and Hell.

VII. God is our High Tower.

When soldiers are in battle, they are in need of a supply. Ammo, rest, food, refreshment, and an advantage see the battlefield from a higher perspective to win that battle. Christ Jesus is our Supply, and God is our High Tower. In Him, we are supplied with the ammo we need to win life's battles, which is prayer. We are supplied with rest, that only He can provide. He supplies us with Spiritual Food to nourish us, which is His Word. We are supplied with Spiritual refreshment which is The Holy Spirit. We, through our faith in The Lord, must view the battlefield with the viewpoint of God. With the eyes of God. Seeing the bigger picture, how God sees it. See the heart of the battle, not the aesthetics of the battles.


This world is full of provision, but void of the promise of Eternal Reward. Wishy-washy, uncertain. God is not like that. His Promises are always fulfilled, our needs are met. We can trust God, therefore lets just praise The Lord. Jesus is our Eternal Reward if/when we accept Him as Lord and Savior through repentance.

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