Saturday, February 19, 2022

"Do you trust Jesus?"

 Jeremiah 17:7-8

{Sun. am}

A television program preceding the 1988 Winter Olympics featured blind skiers being trained for slalom skiing, impossible as that sounds. Paired with sighted skiers, the blind skiers were taught on the flats how to make right and left turns. When that was mastered, they were taken to the slalom slope, where their sighted partners skied beside them shouting, "Left!" and "Right!" As they obeyed the commands, they were able to negotiate the course and cross the finish line, depending solely on the sighted skiers' words. It was either complete trust or catastrophe. What a vivid picture of the Christian life! In this world, we are in reality blind about what course to take. We must rely solely on the Word of the only One who is truly sighted--God Himself. His Word gives us the direction we need to finish the course. 

The question we must examine deeply, and prayerfully within our heart, is, "Do you trust Jesus?"

 After you get hurt by someone or by too many people for so long, it becomes difficult to trust anyone, so when offered to come to Christ for Salvation, and to be guided throughout your life by way of The Holy Spirit some have selective hearing, and ignore any Spiritual help and hope, yet when media or the government tells you to trust the science, some people blindly, and quickly grab at the opportunity to get help in the name of science for the "common good", yet will ignore the reality that life is short and tomorrow is not promised, for today is the day to be saved. Do you trust Jesus or do you trust the science, and opinions of the slanted media?

Now, I am not condoning breaking any law, nor am I saying to abstain from media info or "news", I am saying to discern what glorifies God and what He has taught you, and to listen and act upon what The Holy Spirit tells you what to do, in each situation. Do as Jesus had said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.” To not discern what God directs us to do, for whatever it may be, and go for anything that mankind orders, mandates, or makes a "scientific" opinion for us to follow even if claimed for the "common good", leads us to a dead-end, physically and Spiritually and is of the devil. The devil uses the same tactics today that he used at the fall of man in the garden. He started "popular opinion" and is the father not only of lies and division but also of "cancel culture." There is many roads that may travel, but only one that leads us to Christ. The Word of God is that pathway, all others are dead-ends.

So, with that said, we must honestly ask ourselves, do we trust in God's Word, since by faith we know that The Bible [God's Holy Word, and Breath] is the pathway to Christ that The Holy Spirit leads us on, to get us to, and introduce, teach, disciple and mature us to/in Christ? We shall be stunted in our growth if we ignore His Word, and we shall remain immature and self-guided unto Spiritual ignorance without trusting His Word. Are we trusting Him at His Word? His Word is living, breathing, sharp and is God's very breath and verbal word spoken to our heart through The Holy Spirit's nurturing love and guidance. Have we, are we trusting His Word so that we may grow in Him, drawing us closer to Him through every situation we may face, whether good or bad. We must trust God's Word, for when we do, we are trusting Him by trusting Him at His Word, in His Word, Through His Word, as His Word shakes us, breaks us, molds us, shapes us, and matures us so that, by doing so, we may mature in our faith for His glory and edification of our lives. 

As we do this, we promote, grow, and glorify Him, by fulfilling our commitment by obediently trusting in His Will that He has made. When we trust His Will for our lives, we surrender our will and flee the dead-end will of our flesh and run to, with all eagerness to confidently fulfill His Will that He has made just for us. As His Word said, by acting upon fulfilling His Will, we glorify Him, it makes His heart smile when we give Him all credit and acknowledge that we can use our will and get anywhere in life apart from Him, we must act on His Will alone by faith, for when we act, and live for/in/through/by His Will, we trust Him more each time. We can also trust Him by way of His promises.

God's promises are many, but may we cover just a few. {they all are important, but for space reasons, I will cover just a few.] You can trust Jesus for the [but not limited to] these promises kept...

1) He shall never leave us. Isn't that a comforting reality? Such a beautifully blessed promise that He always keeps. How can He? Well, besides the obvious fact that He is God in the flesh, once we are Born Again in Him by His grace through our faith, it is at that moment that He lives within us, by and through His love we can trust Him.

2) He shall never forget us. Would you forget your loved one, if they were hungry? Hurt? In need? Hopefully you have said, no. You see, Jesus, being even greater than us, in His grace and driven by His love, never forgets us. We can simply trust Him. Mankind is limited, Christ is limitless. Do you trust Him?

3) He forgives and saves. We can not forgive ourselves from the sins that we commit and be justified by it. In the same way, we can not save ourselves from dying and going to Hell for all Eternity. There is only One that can forgive, and there is only One Who has saved us from the Eternal torture of Hell. That One is Jesus, and today is the day to be saved, do you trust Him? You should!

God's Plan is that you are saved. His Timing is not measured as we measure time. His timing is perfect. His Plan is perfect. You must be Born Again, and His Plan is that many shall accept His invitation of Grace through their faith in Him. Do you trust His plan? Do you trust Jesus? You should!

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