Sunday, February 27, 2022

Lent: Give, not just giving up.

 Ps. 25:4

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths."

Lent is almost upon us, and soon we as Born Again Christians, and Catholics shall begin this onslaught of making lists and setting goals on what we will give up. Now, of course, we know that Lent is known for giving up something, or some things in the name of obedience, but that is not what we will be discussing today, instead, we will look at what we should be giving also during our time of obedient sacrifice.

So often, during Lent on any given year and season, we all tend to express to others what we will be giving up. Now, at face value, it is ok, if we do this to give others a heads up what you can or can not eat so that they do not give or offer you that food or subject of your obedient fasting. But we must be careful when we do this, to not come off as making the Lent season into some competition, and also the mere fact of bragging of any sort to make it seem, or act as if we are pious in any way, shape or form. We do sadly, in our daily conversations, leading up to Lent to speak about the subjects, and we lift it up as if our deed is the focus of our obedience and neglect who our obedience goes to. In other words, who are we glorifying during Lent? Ourselves or God?

I really desire to hope that we do not intend to compete nor do we intend to be boastful, but we do. Also, another issue we must quickly address is this valid point before moving on to our Message, we MUST remember that what we in our obedience is between you and God, not us and God and the world. We must not, nor do we need to advertise what we do in our partaking of Lent. By advertising it [not simply giving a heads up], we water down our walk in obedience, in fact, it makes us no different than those who give an offering just to be seen. God gets no glory when we do that, and it is right then, we receive our reward and it is not an Eternal one, just keep it personal between you and God.

When partaking in Lent, we must remember who and why we do it, let us look at that for a moment...

We must partake in Lent, with a heart of love. In order to be obedient, we must love God. I know that sounds like a "duh!" statement, but I must express the importance of that statement. Lent is measured on two things, as basic, as they may seem, are love and faith. Do love God? Then let us partake in Lent with that love. 

The entire reason for Lent is not for personal growth. Not for one-upmanship. Not for anything less than to glorify God through our faithful obedience to Him. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says,  "therefore whatever ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." Read that verse again. Did you catch that? No matter what you eat, or drink, or it and give glory to God. Of course, this counts beyond Lent, this stratagem should be applied daily. Will we? Are we?

When Christ was led into the wilderness before His ministry had begun, and was tempted by the devil 3 times while He fasted the weapon that He used was the Word of God. Such a powerful weapon to be equipped with isn't it? It is still just as powerful today, during our temptations when we partake our part in Lent. "It is written", shall be our battle cry, and our Holy Banner and Creed that will stand on. I remember, as a child in Vacation Bible, School, and in the Royal Ambassadors [RAs], that we would sing a song that said this, "oh the B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the Book for me. I stand up on The Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E." Oh, there is more to that blessed song of truth, but you get the point. The Bible helps us draw ourselves nearer to The Lord, and plants us firmly in Him as He is our Foundation. Live and abide in and by and through His Holy Word.

As we obediently go through this Lent season, just as every day that we trod on this earthly plane, we shall be led, counseled, and protected by, through, and in The Holy Spirit. When we are Born Again in Christ, just as promised, The Holy Spirit lives in us and helps us. Again, I know that I am serving basic milk, but sometimes even seasoned Christians need their souls nourished with some milk to get them back on track in memory. God promised to never leave us and to never forget us and gifts us with the Holy Spirit, and because of that, there is no need to compete nor brag, if we listen to His guidance. 

"Sola Fide" {Faith alone}

We endure Lent with faith. Faith in Him. Faith in His Word, Spirit, Provision, Promise, and Plan. His Plan for our welfare, God looks out for our welfare as He mentions in Jeremiah. Our welfare being cared for by Him, should give us hope. Our faith in His Spirit and Word. In John [1-3 John], he reminds us to walk in Spirit and in Truth [which is the Word], walking in, by, and through faith. Faith in Him. Not just for what He has done, or can do, but for Who He is...The Almighty Lord and Living Savior!

What we do besides fasting, is giving, so in a nutshell, what do we give?

We give our heart, mind, body and our all in/by/with...


For God's Glory

by God's Word

through The Holy Spirit

with Faith

all done in Christ's Name.

Finally, we partake in these coming 40 days of Lent in prayer. 

Let us use Ps. 25:4 as our daily prayer...

"Show me Your ways, O Lord; Teach me Your paths."


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